Dabby, Shotton
Daffy's Elixir
267; Daffy's 'elixir salutis' was one of many syrups used to keep children quiet. It was invented by the Reverend Thomas Daffy, Vicar of Redmile
(d.1680) in Leicestershire, first coming to public notice between 1660 and 1680. A recipe of 1700 for "True Daffy" lists the following common ingredients, many of which were purgatives: aniseed, fennel seed, parsley seed, spanish liquorice, senna, rhubarb, elecampane, jalap, saffron, manna, raisin, cochineal, brandy. A chemical analysis carried out in the 1940s of a bottle of daffy's that had been excavated, confirmed that this was a laxative that would have been made largely from alcohol, with senna as a chief ingredient (Richardmond & Webster, 36). One of the most common forms of alcohol used was gin; hence the slang name daffy's for gin; ALSO: 'What it tasted like one can no longer tell, but it was probably pretty good since it contained brandy, canary wine, oranges, lemons, rhubarb and a certain amount of borax, perhaps to convince customers that it really was a medicine and not just a rather expensive sort of gin' (Earle, 304); 538
Damsel, Anne
205; Charles Mason's mother
640; a Mohawk Warrior; 675
Darby, Mr.
7; chain-man on M-D Line crew; 444; impersonates M&D (with Cope), 471
d'Argental, Count & Countess
Darkling Beetle
88; A dark beetle without wings, also called nocturnal ground beetle, belonging to the family Tenebrionidae ["Tenebrae!" exclaims the contributor of this entry.]
Darlington, Earl of
278; at Raby Castle
Darlington Fair
235; Darlington is a borough of northeast England south
of Newcastle. It's annual fair was the place to see many other wonders,
such as tomatoes; 495
414; Perhaps French: "d'asp" = "the asp [a small venomous [c.html#cobra">cobra-like</a> snake]"; "notorious Calvert agent" at Hurricanoe
Davies, Miss
268; "Glass Armonica" player
575; friend of Tom Hynes
195; 247; "to turn Eastward..." 263; 281; 295; 346; 361; 364; 430; 501; 539;
541; 585; 599; "Death-shade of the Forest" 635; 646; "Instant of Tranquility"
660; 673; Insignia, 703; 713
De Bosch, Mrs.
61; 102
Deep, Mr.
728; "subcontinental genius" who designs Maskelyne's suit
198; the act of throwing someone (or something) out of a window; 685; The Defenestration of Prague
261; The beginnings of English Deism appear in the seventeenth century, its main principles found in the writings of Lord Herbert of Cherbury (d. 1648). In De Veritate (Paris, 1624), Cherbury advanced a theory of knowledge based upon the recognition of innate universal characteristics on the object perceived, and rigidly opposed to knowledge supernatural in its origin and determinable in only by strife and conflict. In De religions Gentilium errorumque apud eos causes (London, 1645), he set out the common marks by which religious truth is recognized: (1) a belief in the existence of the Deity, (2) the obligation to reverence such a power, (3) the identification of worship with practical morality, (4) the obligation to repent of sin and to abandon it, and, (5) divine recompense in this world and the next. These five essentials (the so-called "Five Articles" of the English Deists) constitute the nucleus of all religions and of Christianity in its primitive, uncorrupted form. The variations between positive religions were explained as due partly to the allegorization of nature, partly to self-deception, the workings of imagination, and priestly guile; 278; 489; 568; 772
de la Tube, Père
515; at the Jesuit College in Quebec; 531
Delisle, Joseph Nicolas (1688-1768)
213; French astronomer, founded a famous school of astronomy in St. Petersburg in 1726; Chair of Astronomy, College de France; Mappemonde for the Transit of
Delphic Vapors
311; fumes that emerged from a crack in the earth at the
Oracle at Delphi in Greece and "inspired" the priestess whose
uncomprehensible utterances would then be "interpreted" by a priest.
Dennis the Meager
632; aka Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis = Dionysius; Exiguus = small, little, meager); perhaps a little Dennis the Menace allusion here
De Pugh
96; son of Ives LeSpark
23; Lunarian
723; in Ulster
d'Escaubitte, Pépé
420; Perhaps pronounced: "peppy disco-beat"; French spy?
De Solis et Lunae Defectibus
474; Latin: On Eclipses of the Sun and the Moon
581; Latin: "pollex" = "thumb" = "give a thumbs down"
pentacle, 342; surveying chains called "Devil's Guts" 447; 471; 605
174; An Arab lateen-rigged (triangular sail on a low mast) low-waisted ship
Dicey, Mr.
733; his "County Atlas"
160; German on St. Helena; 172; 551
Dimdown, Philip
365; 388; 566
127; "Damme, I'm Off!" - a men's catchphrase of the late 18th-early 19th centuries; 413; 709
632; This sixth-century Scythian scholar established the adoption of the birth of Christ as the initial epoch of the Christian calendar, while compiling a table of dates of Easter. An existing table covered the nineteen-year period denoted 228-247, where years were counted from the beginning of the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian. Dionysius continued the table for a nineteen-year period, which he designated Anni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi 532-550. [1] However... when determining the date of the birth of Christ, Dionysious Exiguus forgot that Caesar Augustus had ruled under the name of Octavian for four years, and thus made a four-year error.
400; a long straight-bladed dagger
Dismal Swamp Land Company
279; where Geo Washington wants Gershom to invest his money
262; in ancient Greece, a dithyramb was an ecstatic hymn to Dionysus, the god of fertility and wine. Thus, the "Dithyrambists" would have been devotees of Dionysus; these days, dithyramb is, according to Webster, "a sus. short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain" or "a statement or writing in an exalted or enthusiastic vein"
Dittersdorf, Ditters von (1739-99)
104; violin virtuoso and composer of 44 operas, and over 100 symphonies; 750
Dixon, Elizabeth
238; Jeremiah's sister
Dixon, George, Jr.
240; Jeremiah's brother; 477
Dixon, George, Sr.
238; Jeremiah's father, who has a "wild-cat coal operation out upon the Fell";
Dixon, George
116; Jeremiah's Great-Uncle; 416
Dixon, Hannah
241; Jeremiah's sister
Dixon, Jeremiah (1733-79)
7; and Emerson, 21; Quaker, 43; "I owe my existence to a pair of Shoes" 238;
father dies, 241; his map of the world, 242; in Williamsburg, 394; "To the
pursuit of Happiness" 395; Edge of Pleasure, 415; practicing levitation, 423;
440; commence M-D Line, 444; learning to fly, 504; meets Eliza, 536; at Theater
with No Name in New York, 562; Enclosure, 587; "off at an angle to the serial
curve of his Life" 599 Gravity's Rainbow; "Young Jollification" 648; wants to keep the Line going,
678; accosts slave-driver, 695; willing to go to Cherry Island to view second
Transit of Venus, 717; Biography; Email received from Dixon's GGG Granddaughter!
Dixon, Mary Hunter (d.1773)
751; Dixon's second wife; 753
Dixon, Ralph
239; George Dixon Sr.'s father
243; "the Peedee" (on the River Tyne, the boy on board a keel)
221; 234; 248; 681
Dodington, George Bubb
See [b.html#bubb">Bubb Doddington, George</a>
Dog Goblin, The
229; at Cudgel and Throck
Dolland, John (1706-61)
13; Born into a Huguenot family, and originally a silk weaver, he became an optician in 1752 and, with the help of his son Peter, invented an achromatic telescope.
299; measuring Eastern movement of Pennsylvania
Dagga, 65, 655; opium, 129, 140, 141, 267; Laudanum, 267; George Washington &
"hemp" 278; 378; 411; 481; giant hemp plant, 654; "Dagga hath many mysteries"
Douglas, Captain
738; of H.M.S. Emerald
70; "she beggars, wenches, whores" Dictionary of the Vulgar
Tongue (1811)
189; 587
Draconick Incursion
216; the arrival of a dragon
601; "shape" of the land"; 635
70; 108; 109; 112; 155; 179; 205; 320-21; Brittania dreaming of America, 345;
359; 378; 387; 394; 409; 435; 477; 492-93; Captives, 529-30; 531; Mason's,
538; Tenebrae's, 553; 561; 592; 593; 608; 609; 610; 620; 649; 663; 671; 677;
"just at the Crepuscule" 690; 696; "Fugitive as a Dream" 703; "were sold to pay"
703; 708; Mason, 718; Mason, 721-23; "ordinary" 725; Mason's of "night-time
City" 749; 749; M & D dreaming of each other, 752; "No-body's dream of Life"
755; Mason dreaming of America, 757; 759; 759; 760
Drivelli, Signore
402; half-breed on Long Island
210; 219; "bonfire of the Bodleian" 560; 597
463; a durable, closely woven usu. cotton fabric
372-80; an actual historickal figure; "account of the mechanism of an automaton, or image playing on the German-flute: as it was presented in a memoire, to the gentlemen of the Royal academy of sciences at Paris, by Vaucanson, inventor and maker of the said machine. Together with a description of an artificial duck, eating, drinking, macerating the food, and voiding excrements, pluming her wings, picking her feathers, and performing several operations in imitation of a living duck" (Translated out of the French original, by J.T. Desaguliers. London, Printed by T. Parker, and sold by S. Varillon, 1742); 666-69; Elaboration & Illustration
694; a boardwalk or slatted flooring laid on a wet, muddy, or cold surface --
usually used in plural
Duke of Bedford
Duke of Glouchester
290; Ale venue in Philadelphia
470; "peevish Dumbledores in flight"
Dunkard Creek
673; See Mason's Journal Entry
216; 233; 238
Dusky Olaf
613; aka Sweden; derived from King Olaf (995-1030 A.D.) who reigned
during the lifetime of and was a close friend of Leif Ericsson, the first European to reach North America. Olaf was king of Norway and Sweden from 1016 to 1028. Dusky implies the sunset, contrary to Stig's "all-night sun" (612.6)
Dutch Rifle, The
342; tavern where the Paxton Boys had a drink before slaughtering the Indians,
with the pentacle on its sign