French Translations

Revision as of 23:42, 22 December 2006 by WikiAdmin (Talk | contribs)

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8 : téton dernier: "hind tit" [as in "suck hind tit": to get the worst & least of things]

27 : Ecole de Piraterie: "School of Piracy"

72 : terre mauvais: "badlands"

317: Remontoire: "winding mechanism, winder"

371: Blanquette de Veau: "veal in a white sauce"

372: un Accès de Cuisinier: "an attack from the chef"

373: faisons le Déjeuner: "do lunch"

374: Canard au Pamplemousse Flambé: "duck in grapefruit flambé"

374: Canard avec Aubergines en Casserole: "duck with eggplant"

374: Fantaisie des Canettes: "fantasia of female ducklings"

376: Attend, Flatteur: "wait, flatterer"

376: bien entendu: "of course"

377: Insectes d'Etang à l'Etouffée: "steamed pond insects"

377: Merde!: "shit!"

378: Grand Mélange: "great blending"

381: Hachoir: "chopper"

382: Deet adyoo!: dit adieu: "say 'goodbye'"

491: Shappo = chapeau: hat

525: Maquilleuses: "makeup artists"

668: sans la voix de la Le More et le Canard de Vaucanson, vous n'auriez rien que fit ressouvenir de la gloire de la France: "without the voice of the Le More and the duck of Vaucanson, there is nothing you can do to remember the glory of France"

727: Péché Mortel: "fatal weakness" or "mortal sin"

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