Chapter 3: 14-29

Revision as of 14:17, 10 February 2007 by MKOHUT (Talk | contribs) (Page 14)

Page 14

Spiritual Day-Book

'waking Traverse was done
Traverse is the main family name in ATD; Webb Traverse and his three generation family. There are a lot of associations, see ATD and wikipedia.

another Term in the Contract

Page 15

Female motor. GoogleBooks

Page 16

edging away
Pynchonian cliche.

the forms of You

Page 17

Ha-ha (garden) The ha-ha or sunken fence is a type of boundary to a garden, pleasure-ground, or park, designed not to interrupt the view and to be invisible until closely approached. The ha-ha consists of a trench, the inner side of which is perpendicular and faced with stone, with the outer slope face sloped and turfed - making it in effect a sunken fence. The ha-ha is a feature in the landscape gardens laid out by Charles Bridgeman, the originator of the ha-ha, according to Horace Walpole (Walpole 1780) and by William Kent and was an essential component of the "swept" views of Capability Brown. "The contiguous ground of the park without the sunk fence was to be harmonized with the lawn within; and the garden in its turn was to be set free from its prim regularity, that it might assort with the wilder country without. " — Walpole, "Essay upon modern gardening"

the other fellow

latest Eclipse

Page 18

mirror'd Lanthorns
'Lanthorn' is a mistaken variant of 'lantern'. etym

Not mistaken, just a choice of spelling; Shakespeare and many others used this form. --Volver 08:56, 9 January 2007 (PST)

Norfolk Terrier

Page 19


Integral of One over (Book) d (Book)
Freshman calculus gag. The antiderivative or integral of the function 1/x is the function logarithm of x. Written (integral sign) 1/x dx = log x. Substitute (Book) for x. Answer: log (Book) = logbook.

Coins. pix

Page 20

upstart Chapels


Page 21

Fender: a cushion hung on the side of a ship to protect it if it bumps into a wharf or so. Old tires now serve this function. Fender-Belly has such a cushion in front.


A British and American subculture inspired by the fashion of continential Europe eps. that of Italy. The term comes from the Itallian "maccherone" which means "boorish fool" but was taken on by the British to mean over the top fashionable. Macaroni They would often speek in an affected manner and mix latin into their speech. Macaronic Verse




Page 22

praeternatural... supernatural

'Macaroni Italian Style'
454 hits

Page 23

circle of Absence

Six feet.


Fabulous Jellows

Lopsided. (One OED cite from 1865)

Page 24

the Point

Welsh Main
" which eight pairs were matched, the eight victors being again paired, then four, and finally the last surviving pair" EB11-cockfighting

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Page 26

Shortened form of 'apert' (open, bold).

Page 28

share quarters
Quite possible Mauve and Hepsie are the same girl.

Annotation Index

Latitudes and Departures

1: 5-11, 2: 12-13, 3: 14-29, 4: 30-41, 5: 42-46, 6: 47-57, 7: 58-76, 8: 77-86, 9: 87-93, 10: 94-104, 11: 105-115, 12: 116-124, 13: 125-145, 14: 146-157, 15: 158-166, 16: 167-174, 17: 175-182, 18: 183-189, 19: 190-198, 20: 199-206, 21: 207-214, 22: 215-227, 23: 228-237, 24: 238-245, 25: 245-253


26: 257-265, 27: 266-274, 28: 275-288, 29: 289-295, 30: 296-301, 31: 302-314, 32: 315-326, 33: 327-340, 34: 341-348, 35: 349-361, 36: 362-370, 37: 371-381, 38: 382-390, 39: 391-398, 40: 399-409, 41: 410-421, 42: 422-435, 43: 436-439, 44: 440-447, 45: 448-451, 46: 452-459, 47: 460-465, 48: 466-475, 49: 476-483, 50: 484-490, 51: 491-498, 52: 499-510, 53: 511-524, 54: 525-541, 55: 542-553, 56: 554-561, 57: 562-569, 58: 570-574, 59: 575-584, 60: 585-596, 61: 597-607, 62: 608-617, 63: 618-622, 64: 623-628, 65: 629-632, 66: 633-645, 67: 646-657, 68: 658-664, 69: 665-677, 70: 678-686, 71: 687-693, 72: 694-705, 73: 706-713

Last Transit

74: 717-732, 75: 733-743, 76: 744-748, 77: 749-757, 78: 758-773