Chapter 75: 733-743

Revision as of 20:51, 26 May 2008 by Adamkesher (Talk | contribs) (Page 741)

Page 739

"[T]he Earth's Surface [...] began to curve sharply inward, leaving a great circum-polar Emptiness [...] toward which our path was taking us [...] And 'twas so that we enter'd, by its great northern Portal, upon the inner Surface of the Earth."

Thus, Dixon relates to Mason his journey into Hollow Earth, guided by what seems to be an extraterrestrial being. See p.548.

Page 741

"to go anywhere is ever to descend."

The partially italicized word might be a reference, or at least could've been influenced by Richard Farina, who used partially italicized words quite often in 'Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me.'